Here are four key reasons why frequency is critical… and the implications.

1.       Advertising Dilution. The average person sees upwards of 5,000 different advertising messages daily. It takes time for your message to stand out.

Implication: Quit the wishful thinking that one ad could possibly make a difference. Embrace frequency.

2.       The Human Brain. The average person sees only one out of every three ads put in front of them. But new customers take action only after seeing a brand’s marketing nine times. So, it may take at least 27 impressions of a brand before building top of mind awareness. Leslie’s gets it. They have been mailing 6-10 times to every pool owner in all their 883 retail store trade areas every year for more than 2 decades.

Implication: If you don’t embrace frequency then you are basically pouring your marketing dollars down the drain. It’d be more effective to use them to light a big bonfire in front of your office or store. At least that would be different and people would notice.

3.       Timing. Very few people have a need for any specific merchandise item on any given day. But in half of all general merchandise categories measured in a consumer shopping study, the consumer's decision to buy and the actual purchase was made in one day. For example, the actual point in time a pool owner decides to buy supplies varies based on their current inventory level, weather, personal desires and your promotions.

Implication: Frequent advertising builds awareness of your company so that the pool owner thinks of you when they are ready to buy, not just when you are ready to sell. Remember that time and circumstances change all things. This is especially true for the pool and hot tub industry.

4.       Competition. If you are not advertising as much as your competition does, who is more likely to reach the consumer who is ready to shop?

Implication: Frequent advertising helps you beat your competition. If you have no competition (doubtful) then it strengthens your market position for the time when you do. If you have a Leslie’s in your market, well need I say more?

Frequent advertising is critical and the classic case of shortsightedness is when, in the face of a sales drop, many companies cut back on their advertising. In fact, you need advertising most when people aren’t buying!

To receive a free pdf file of our White Paper: "The Six Most Important Facts about Direct Mail Marketing in the Pool Retail Industry," or to inquire about our services, contact Steve Carlyle: