This database contains the addresses of 7.8 million owners of in-ground and above ground pools. Based on an authoritative source for pool and spa statistics, this list contains approximately 90% of all pool owners. Xmente developed this profile based on researching records for over 249 million consumers. We can extract a custom list based on precise identification of pool owners in your targeted geographic area.
- Pool retail store product promotions
- Covers
- Liner replacement
- Maintenance and repair
- Equipment replacement
The map above shows the number of pool addresses by zip code in Atlanta, GA. As you can see; we know who the pool owners are, where they live and how to reach them. This client planned a retail promotion to all pool owners within a 20 minute drive time of their store. The address list was created based on the 20 minute drive time indicated by the white polygon. They also wanted to promote pool maintenance services to the 10,000 most qualified pool owners within a 30 mile radius. This list was based on the red 30 mile circle but we dialed-in the X-Factors (unique list parameters-see FAQ's) to identify the highest quality prospects within the clients target of 10,000.
Name: Total Pool Owners
Region: Domestic (U.S.)
Total Universe: 7,751,588
Updates: Quarterly with interim refreshes
CASS Certified: Yes
License: One year unlimited use
Base Price: $0.20 each in quantities of 10,000 addresses (see price list).
Single family detached dwelling
Presence of a pool
In-ground or above ground pool
One name per address
Info-spatial™ Identification
Deliver-ability validated with USPS
Individualized trade area consulting and identification ($250 value)
Data hygiene of your customer address list ($500 value)
One year unlimited use license